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Invoice from Sleep Well Anesthesia
Pre-Treatment Instructions
Please read the instructions (right) and fill out the form below to acknowledge your receipt of the instructions.
Contact me if you develop new pain within 24hrs of treatment
Feel free to eat prior to treatment.
Avoid the application of creams, powders, lotions, or oils to the area being treated.
Your regularly prescribed narcotic patches and pain medications can be taken as prescribed.
Last take adjuvant analgesics for 72 hours prior to the start of treatment ( anticonvulsants/Cannabis) This is for your safety.
Transdermal Compound Creams containing Ketamine, Neurontin, and Cannabis should be discontinued during treatment, talk to your doctor.
Do not apply any type of Topical Pain Patch (Lidoderm/cain) to the affected area, prior to treatment.
Post-Treatment Instructions
Please read the instructions (right) and fill out the form below to acknowledge your receipt of the instructions.
After the first treatment patient should remain pain free for a period of time (average 2-3 hours). With each daily treatment, the pain free period should become longer and longer. The patient should note time daily. When/if pain returns, call your provider, who will decide at what point booster treatments should start. Booster treatments average from 1-5 in number.
Rest daily. Avoid excessive physical activity. It is normal to experience a gradual return of onset or a sudden return of pain.
Observe and note changes in the size of pain zones and pain levels daily.
Continue treatments until there is no pain in pain zones for 48 hours (remission). Initial remission can last 3-6 months.
Continue to take your prescribed pain medications, under the direction of your doctor.
Discontinue treatments if no response after 3 days.